#5 Uninterrupted Work Cycles

Montessori magic:  It is during the uninterrupted work cycles that the real “magic” of Montessori occurs. Our skilled teachers prepare their environments so your child can work uninterrupted for a long period of time concentrating on stimulating self-chosen works that they pursue. People who say young children don’t have long attention spans haven’t observed a Montessori classroom. Our teachers know when to join in, when to hold back, when to help, when to watch, or join in if they want us to. This is an art and based on respect for and the observation of your developing child. 
OCCI: This is a Montessori acronym that stands for order, concentration, coordination, and independences. OCCI are the powerful attributes that your child will develop because of a Montessori education. OCCI are foundational for school and life success, and it all begins during this very special time of development. We believe our children become strong academically because of OCCI. You must observe one of our classrooms to fully appreciate how important this is for your child. 
Life long learners, successful alumni, transition successfully, portrait of a CMEC graduate 
Global society 
Portrait of a Graduate


Columbus Montessori Education Center provides a unique education model that launches the potential of each student, empowering them to change the world in ways big and small.

Columbus Montessori Education Center

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